My Conversion to the Catholic Faith:

Growing up I went to church, but not every Sunday. My family attended the Methodist church that was in our town and I still find my way back to this little church every now and then. During Junior high I attended Youth groups, including a couple trips to Creation.  Youth group and Creation were very important in building a base that I would find later in life.

At the end of High School and my College years, the church was not in my schedule, although it did bounce around in my mind from time to time. After College, I traveled from Pennsylvania to Tennessee (sounds like a country song) and continued to live my life as I wanted, because by this time I knew what was best for me.

In 2005, I moved a little farther south. South of the border to be more precise. I landed in Monterrey, Mexico and this is where my conversion happened. I met a girl that was very different from anyone I had met before. She was Catholic and invited me to attend a Catholic mass. They had mass in English in a small chapel on the side of a beautiful big church, Our Lady of Fatima. The first day I walked into this church something came over me. It was like I was home. It wasn’t a call to convert to Catholicism, it was a call form the Lord to come home. I knew I belonged in his house. From that moment on, the church and the Lord Jesus became increasingly more important to me.

Sarah (my future wife) and I began to attend mass together every Sunday and there were even a couple days when she couldn’t go that I attended on my own. I was hooked on the Word of Jesus Christ. My life went through major changes at this time. My priorities became so much clearer. Before I returned to the church, I was focused on work and money. The funny thing is that after I clarified my priorities and focused on Jesus, Family, Love and giving back, my performance at work, and the relationships in my life improved. I was able to look at life from a different perspective. I didn’t know it all. The world did not revolve around me. The things I previously was doing daily, were not improving my life or the lives of others, and this was clear to me now.

Over the next couple months / years, I became more attached to the church. My life continued to be so much more fulfilled than ever before. We began to assist on missions at small towns. As my path continued, bigger decisions rested ahead. I knew since the beginning of our relationship that this was the girl that I wanted to make my wife. In front of the church where we attended our first mass together, I asked her to marry me and she said yes. As we begin discussing wedding details, she was investigating “mixed” marriages with the Catholic church. I could remain Methodist and marry in a Catholic church. This made sense, but I began the think about the conversion.

After much prayer, investigation and discussion, I decided that I would become Catholic before our wedding, which was in October, 2007.  During my research, one of the books that stood out to me was Rome Sweet Home by Scott Hahn ( Scott also made the conversion to Catholicism.  I began Catholic classes multiple days a week with Sister Angela. She was an English speaking Italian nun living in Monterrey, Mexico. She was and is an Angel. She helped me through all the way to my baptism. When you meet people like this in your life that are so full of love, you can’t help but learn more about Jesus Christ and how he wants us to live our lives. Sister Angela shined so bright and was so instrumental in me building my life today.

Here I was, 29 years old, and going to the church to be baptized. I was not baptized as a child, which allowed me to be baptized in the Catholic faith. No, I did not wear the little onesie and nobody held me while they dumped water on my head. My mother and little sister flew to Mexico to witness this event. On May 26, 2007, I walked into the Catholic church and was baptized, confirmed, and received first communion. This was the start of a new life.

I am human, I am not a Saint, I have sinned, and I will sin again, but I will continue to believe in and follow Jesus Christ. His story did not end on the cross and his Kingdom will have no end.

Mathew 6:9-13
Our Father who are in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.