Chemical Free Living

Chemical Free Living

If you would have asked me about chemicals in my daily routine 6 years ago, I would have had no clue what you were talking about. I loved my chemicals. They made things smell clean – right? When you clean your floor with XYZ – the house smells clean for a bit.When you...
How to Remove Chemicals from Your Home

How to Remove Chemicals from Your Home

8 years ago, we welcomed our first child to this world. At that moment I begin to think about things differently. The world was no longer about my wife and me. It was now about this child. The first couple weeks / months are a little blurry, learning and just trying...
This Man’s Essential Oils Journey

This Man’s Essential Oils Journey

My name is Walter Laird and I started this site to share with you my journey into the world of Essential oils along with stories and opinions of being a man of faith, a father of three boys and a little of my life in general. The opinions I express are mine and mine...
Essential Oils for Men

Essential Oils for Men

Are essential oils for men?  Yes, men can and are using essential oils. My life and the wellness of my family have been changed, for the good, by essential oils.  I was a doubter at first, but today Young Living Essential Oils are a big part of our daily...