If you would have asked me about chemicals in my daily routine 6 years ago, I would have had no clue what you were talking about. I loved my chemicals. They made things smell clean – right?

When you clean your floor with XYZ – the house smells clean for a bit.When you clean your table with XYZ – you let your kids eat off the table right?

When you wash your hands with XYZ – you know they are clean – because they smell clean.

What about when you brush your teeth with XYZ – your breath smells better after that.I thought the same way; the cleaner things smelled, the safer they must be

.But one day we were introduced to plant based, natural products.Chemical free products that we can use in our daily routines.Shampoo, soap, toothpaste, mouthwash, hand soap, countertop cleaner, floor cleaner and much more.

I never thought about this before, but it sounds like a pretty good idea to remove unknown chemicals from our daily routines.

You brush your teeth with product XYZ. It has the right chemicals in it to make your breath smells good and it kills all the bad stuff in your mouth – what else does it kill? What are the “other” effects of those chemicals? What is used to make those chemicals smell good so you “buy it”?Same question with your hand soap. Your hands touch some of the food you eat before it goes into your mouth, but maybe you do not eat with your hands, what about your dish soap?

What about the stuff you spray to clean your table? Do you have kids? When something falls off their plate and onto the table, the table is clean, so they eat it? What is in the chemical you just used to clean the table?

Talking about kids, what about bathtubs? You clean your bathtub and it smells good; it smells like the XYZ you used to clean it. Then you plop your kid in there. Now your kid is sitting in water mixed with the XYZ that you just cleaned the tub with. Hmmm. 🤔How about your floors? Do you walk barefoot in your kitchen? In your bathroom? Did you know there are nearly 4,000 pores on the bottom of your feet? So that good smelling chemical you just cleaned your floor with is now soaking into the pores on your feet and on your kid’s feet.

Now, I do not know what the chemicals in XYZ do to our bodies, but I do know that 5 years ago we replaced many chemicals in our home with natural and essential oil-infused products and the changes have been incredible. I start my day with an essential-oil infused toothpaste. This toothpaste does not contain any synthetic dies, artificial flavors, or preservatives. It is infused with peppermint, spearmint, and cinnamon to keep my breath fresh.

After my shower I use a deodorant that does not contain aluminum or harsh chemicals. And it works – which makes the people around me happy. 😊We clean our home with a plant-based cleaner that smells great and cleans everything without harsh chemicals. The household cleaner is one of my favorite products.

The Foaming Hand Soap we use every day does not contain harsh, drying chemicals. A plant-based formula that leaves hands feeling great and not dry. I have 3 kids, so I wash my hands a lot and I always battled with dry hands – but those worries are no more thanks to this hand soap.

What is keeping you from removing chemical from your daily routine and replacing them with plant based, natural cleaning products?Your body, your feet and your family will thank you.

Click this link to get started:https://www.myyl.com/oilmanyl#ewm/thieveskit

Click this link or message me if you want more information:https://oilmanyl.com/thieves-starter-kit/