Are essential oils for men?  Yes, men can and are using essential oils. My life and the wellness of my family have been changed, for the good, by essential oils.  I was a doubter at first, but today Young Living Essential Oils are a big part of our daily lives.  Check out my journey.

Below is the diffuser I have in my office and a couple of my favorite oils to diffuse:

A Man's Diffuser
Man’s Diffuser
My Diffuser with Essential Oils for Men: Northern Lights Black Spruce, Thieves, Immupower and Cinnamon Bark
Northern Lights Black Spruce, Thieves, Immupower and Cinnamon Bark

Diffusing oils is just one small part of using essential oils.  My family uses essential oils every day to promote wellness, increase energy, feel better, think clearer and much more.

This is a great time of year for you to get started with oils or for you to share oils with family and friends.  You can begin switching out the chemicals out of your home immediately and replace them with natural essential oils.

For Him – Essential Oils for Men:

There are so many things to choose from.  I enjoy having a diffuser in my office.  I can go from “ImmuPower, to Spruce, to Christmas Spirit” during the week.  Thieves hand soap reduces the spreading of germs in the house and my hands do not get dry like they do with other foaming hand soaps. 

See some ideas below:

Shutran: An Aroma Oil for Men
Shutran: An Aroma for Men

For Her – Young Living is more than just Essential Oils:

Young living is a wellness company.  Their goal is to reduce the amount of chemicals you apply to your body and / or to your family everyday.  Below are some girl products (I have not tried):

Savvy Minerals Makeup Line by Young Living
Savvy Minerals by Young Living

Get started today.  You will not be disappointed.

My family made the switch to Essential oils over 3 years ago and we have some amazing testimonies.  The number of chemicals that are in the products we use in our daily lives is scary.  Our family, including my siblings and parents, have made the chemical swap to Young Living Essential Oils and products.

Here are just a couple areas in which we use Essential Oils in our house:

Improved immune support for kids and adults
Increased Energy
Pain Relief (have a couple great testimonies for this one).
And so much more
Check out my journey and contact me if you are interested in learning more (