Young Living's Lavender and Clary Sage Fields in Utah. Young Living Essential Oils farm.

My name is Walter Laird and I started this site to share with you my journey into the world of Essential oils along with stories and opinions of being a man of faith, a father of three boys and a little of my life in general. The opinions I express are mine and mine alone (unless they are someone else’s). And bare with me. I’ve never blogged before. I’ve never shared my story before, but I’m going to try.

My family adventured into Young Living Essential Oils more than 3 years ago. My wife remembers things differently, of course, because she’s a woman. I remember my middle son (who is 3 years old now) had a horrible diaper rash when we came home from the hospital. We tried everything from the off the shelf stuff to some home remedy mixes. One of her friends dropped of a mix of essential oils. I was not sold on the idea and thought, ok, so these oils are going to magically fix this diaper rash that we have been struggling with for days. Day 1, baby butt was looking much better. I was still skeptical, but had to admit, this worked for newborn diaper rash.

My wife would start using oils for various things and I just kinda watched and made fun of her every now and then. I called her my little witch with her potions. Our oldest son battled with multiple ear infections when he was little (before oils). We were at the point where we saw a specialist and they said one more infection and we will put tubes in his ears. This sounds simple, but nothing is very simple when they are talking about a problem with your 1 and only child (at that time).

Sarah (my wife) began using an essential oil blend that she called “defenses”. She put it on our oldest son every day (and continues to use this blend today). I was still skeptical and worried about the side effects of oils. What are oils? Why do these things seem to work? Where exactly do they come from? Why is Young Living better than oils I can purchase here or there?

Over then next 3 years and counting, I found some answers and will continue to investigate these questions. Before long I began enjoying the smell of the diffusers in our house. Who doesn’t enjoy a good smelling living room or bed room and instead of candles or chemicals, this smell was coming from pure essential oils. It wasn’t long before I began using peppermint instead of XYZ for headaches. Hmm, this felt good and also the smell of peppermint is rather delightful and gives you a little jump in your step. Today I use peppermint for headaches, but more often for a pick me up in cold water. When I’m feeling tired in the afternoon, I take a glass of cold water, add a drop or two of YL Peppermint oil and nice – a little pick me up.

My next oil was probably digize. I spend a lot of time in Mexico and I regularly had indigestion. I carried bottles of antacids in every vehicle. Sarah told me to try Digize. One – two oz of water with 2 – 3 drops of Digize and my indigestion was gone almost immediately. Hmm. This is nice. I carry Digize and Peppermint with me everywhere I go.

Another of my daily oils is a blend, Young Living’s Breathe Again. I am an allergy sufferer and I had taken allergy pills for more than 20 years. For major portions of my life I took a pill a day. I began carrying my Breathe Again roll on around with me. There are still times when seasons change or there are major weather changes that I will take an allergy pill, but I have gone from 1 a day to 1 every 2 – 3 months.

I am flying while I type this and I have in my pockets: Digize, Peppermint, Breathe Again, Thieves hand sanitizer and Lavender chapstick. Yes, in ziplock bags to get through security.

My Essential Oils for travel: Thieves hand purifier, Digize, Thieves, Peppermint, Breathe Again. Travel oils.
Travel Oils

My exposures to oils may be a little out of order. I’m going by memory and remember, I’m a man, so my version of the story is mine and not always the correct one.

If you have not already tried Young Living Essential Oils, I would encourage you to check them out. Improving your wellness and environment while reducing the chemicals you are exposed to daily sounds like a pretty good idea.

My family and I use many more Young Living products and I will continue to share these products and my thoughts with you.

If you want to know more, send me an email at